Scale Exercise 21 for D Whistle in D and G
Music and Tabs (Play along with Scott)Join me as I introduce scale exercise 21. I based this exercise on the first couple measures of the Polka Britches Full of Stitches.
The exercise then walks up the scale one octave in both D and G. Use this link to access the page on my website from which you can download the music and tabs for this exercise: This, like the other scale exercises is valuable in a variety of ways. It enables us to focus on a consistent group of notes working across the scale.
This helps us develop our muscle memory and dexterity in the polka style, and generally up the scale. Use this exercise to work on skills such as: Polka rhythm, Short jumps, Ornaments, and Speed.
Select the link below to download the music and tabs for this exercise.
Select the video to the right to access the lesson.