Spancil Hill
Music and Tabs (Play along with Scott)In today’s video we are going to learn the tune Spancil Hill.
Access the music and tabs using the Download button below.
I share the story of the tune. We will walk through the tune, and I will share my version of the tune, based on my current abilities.
I recorded the section where I play the tune with the background video in one of our rooms that is a little echoey.  I thought that might add a fun touch. This is a slow tune.
The mountain video is from the Roan Mountain Nobs.
Slow tunes are perfect for developing our breathing, our emoting, and our more emotive ornaments.
Michael Considine emigrated to Ireland, hoping to soon earn enough to bring his love to join him. He initially settled in Boston, and after two years moved to California. He was, apparently, hoping to cash in on the gold rush, which had started four years earlier. Michael died the same year he arrived in California, but not before sending a moving poem to his nephew John.
Access the video by using the video link on the right.
Select Download to access a pdf of the music and tabs.

Website created by Scott Schade using Divi by Elegant Themes