Learning Christ the Lord is Risen Today for Low and High D Whistle
Music and Tabs (Play along with Scott)I’m recording this during the week before Easter. I wanted to share a couple classic Easter hymns this week. In this video I’ll introduce Christ the Lord is Risen Today.
I transposed and transcribed the hymn so we could play it on our D whistles.
I’ll walk us through the hymn, and we’ll then talk about any difficult sections and expressing it. After this I’ll share a bit of the history of the hymn.
Charles Wesley wrote this hymn in 1739 for the first service that took place at the Original Wesley Chapel in London. Charles wrote around 6500 hymns during his life. Charles did not write the music, but used a different tune that he enjoyed and felt would fit with the words he was writing.
Select the video on the right to view my expression of the tune.
Select Download to access a pdf of the music and tabs.